We have changed the name of the Group Page to “Friends of Borders Hospital Service”. We now have a Facebook “Page” which has completely different functionality and reach. Hopefully much more accessible to everyone out there. Search for Borders Hospital
How we are growing!
Over the past two months (despite Covid and it’s ramifications) our broadcasting has been reaching out to a wider audience more than we thought was possible. We now have streaming from the studio by remote access, and also streaming from
NHS Borders thanks volunteers
Each year the first week in June marks Volunteers Week, a time to thank volunteers across the country for the amazing contributions that they make. We are fortunate to have 304 people volunteering in 40 different volunteer roles across NHS
New Super Suits for BGH Ward. 15
NHS Borders Volunteer Newsletter February 2020
2020_02_03 Newsletter Feb 20
Hospital Broadcasting Association Impact Report
National Hospital Radio Awards 2020
The winners of the National Hospital Radio Awards 2020 have been announced via an online presentation in place of the cancelled awards evening. The awards are an annual celebration of the excellent year-on-year standards found in hospital radio stations across
A Special Anniversary
This week, it is a year since Borders Hospital Radio Service started broadcasting on it’s website 24 hours a day, interrupted in the evening with live programmes from the studio in the Borders General Hospital. Sadly, with the current lock